Thursday, June 18, 2009

How Shy Men Act Around Women They Like By Timothy Arends

Want a crash course in how shy men act around someone they like? Put yourself in their shoes. Think of a time that you felt shy yourself. How did it feel? How did you react?

Shy people often have trouble making eye contact. They may tend to look down at their feet more than extroverts. Perhaps they get tongue-tied and don't know what to say. This is just how shy men act around women they like sometimes.

Another problem with shyness is that shy people are often misinterpreted as being aloof or unfriendly. A guy may become even more shy if he is turned down repeatedly by someone he likes. Remember the old saying, "Once burned, twice shy."

Worse, shy people, because of their unassertive manner, are often treated badly. People often feel at liberty to be rude to a shy person and say things that they wouldn't say to the extrovert. Studying a good course on shyness can help you understand how shy men act around women they like.

It's true that the symptoms of shyness can be hard to distinguish from sheer unfriendliness, but the best advice is not to worry about it. Try to make conversation with someone you think may be shy.

Remember that you may have to do more of the talking with someone who is shy. If you have a bit of shyness yourself, it will be harder to talk to someone who is quieter than usual.

Ask questions of the shy guy to draw him out. Try to overcome any shyness you may feel yourself, and remember that you will have to put forth more effort to talk to the shy person. If you have too much trouble talking to the shy person, perhaps you need a little assistance in overcoming shyness yourself.

After you have had a friendly conversation with the shy person, repeat the process the next chance you get. You may find the shy guy opening up more and more, and even seeking you out for conversation as well. You have made the first step towards friendship and maybe something more.

By Timothy Arends

How to Tell If She Likes You - 5 Signs She Likes You By Sun Yung

Women are often a mystery. What is the most complex creation on earth by God? The most common answer one will get among guys is 'GIRLS'.

During the days at school and college, when guys and girls have a crush on each other, a guy is often lost wondering "How to know if a girl likes you?" He is absolutely puzzled as to whether or not he should approach her. He fails to decide if he should express his feelings or not.

If you are one of those, then things are made much easier for you. Here are 5 easy tips on "how to know if a girl likes you"

· Pay attention to her conversation with her friends -

This is one of the easiest ways on how to know if a girl likes you. If the girl likes you, she will mention your name very often among her friends. She will keep talking about you to them. She will give your examples. Girls love to talk about guys they like.

· Girls will share their personal feelings and talks -

Girls will share a lot of personal stuff about others or themselves without you even asking about them. This is a way of showing that she trusts you and has confidence in you and so she likes you.

· She messages you or calls you often -

A girl who likes you will find a hundred reasons to speak to you. If she is happy, she will immediately call or text you to share the joy with you. If she is sad, she will call you up as she believes that hearing your voice will make her feel good. She will message you 'good night' before she goes to bed.

· Keep a close watch on her body language when you are with her in a gathering -

When you are in a big gathering, she will look at you when you are not looking at her and when you look at her; she will take her eyes off you. When you talk, she will show all interest in listening to what you say. For everything she does, she will ask your opinion as it means a lot to her.

· She would love to spend time with you -

The last tip on how to know if a girl likes you is that she will not miss any opportunity to spend time with you. She will keep telling what she is doing and look for a reason for being together. She will never put down your offer to go for a movie or coffee even if is just the two of you going. At the same time, if you call her for a movie or coffee with more female friends of yours she will put down the offer telling she is occupied.

These are some of the tips on how to know if a girl likes you. These tips will answer all your questions and put a standstill to many of your doubts.

Finally, if you want to be the kind of guy that actually has so many girls interested in you then you're going to need a complete overhall in your thinking, behavior, and perspective.

Can it be done? Yes, what you need to do is to learn the skills on how to meet, attract, and date the kinds of women that you have always wanted -and you don't need to be rich or handsome to do it!

By Sun Yung

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

He Will Not Be Able To Resist You - Get Him Calling You By Nicole Gayle

Men LOVE bold. They love sassy. They love a woman who can get inside their mind and leave them wanting her. And If You Want to Get inside a man's mind and have him think of you as the kind of woman that he just cannot live without, you need to respond in ways that will make him burn for you.

In order to make a man drip with anticipation for you, you have to understand how men respond to attraction. For men, attraction is not a conscious choice and it is triggered by certain behaviors, not just the physical.

In fact, body language which includes voice tonation has MORE to do with building a man's attraction for you than ANYTHING else ever could.

If you think about what separates the women who have ALL of the man versus the ones who does not, you will see a HUGE difference when it comes to how they relate to men.

How you respond around a man matters so much that men confess that they would dump a hot looking girl and go for a woman who can trigger an intense desire in them. There are certain marked characteristics that separates these sirens no matter what race they are from. Here are a few...

1. These types of women know how to play with men. They have men literally hanging off of their words because they have a sharp mind and a quick wit about them. They KNOW what to say. They know how to turn up the verbal play so that a man hounds them down to get into conversations with them. Men have to be VERY careful around these women and watch their game.

2. These types of women know what to do to MAKE men CALL them instead of wondering why a man hasn't called. They understand how to increase a man's desire to WANT to talk to them on the phone.

By Nicole Gayle

HOME::Relationships/Commitment X How to Make a Guy Commit - What You Need to Do to Win His Heart By Tina L. Jones

So do you really think that you know what it takes to make a guy commit to you? Are you tired of short-lived relationships that never turn into the real deal? Are you letting intimidation stop you from going after the relationship you want with the guy you love? Basically, every woman will face a point in her life in which she can answer yes to those questions. Luckily, you don't have to force someone into doing something against their will in order to make a guy commit to you. Read on to learn how to help him naturally come around.

Be assertive

You can learn to be assertive without coming off as overly aggressive. The difference is that an assertive woman knows how to give her guy that little push towards what he is already thinking, while an aggressive woman might push him too far too fast. Guys aren't as gung-ho on settling down with that special someone as women are. It is not that men don't want security or that all guys hate the idea of monogamy at all. It is just that society expects them to want to play the field for longer.

If you let him know that you will be there for him no matter what, he will begin to see you as someone that he'd like having around long term. So instead of worrying about pressuring him into putting a ring on your finger, focus your energy on getting to know his personality. Be in touch with the people and the things that he loves. This is a great way to be assertive and make a guy commit.

Be positive

Don't sit around waiting for him to call you every night and then blow up his phone when he doesn't call you. You cannot criticize and complain someone into wanting to be with you. The more you whine about it, the less he will want to spend time with you.

Instead, be positive when you are talking to him or spending time with him. Instead of associating you with nagging, he will associate you with the happy feelings that he has when you are around. Do fun things together that involve both of your interests. You will make him commit to you without even feeling as if you are trying.

By Tina L. Jones

3 Reasons Men Won't Settle Down With Women By Pila Fatukala

ne of the many reasons women get mad at men is when men won't settle down with the women. There are men out there who always insist they are not made to be in a monogamous relationship and feel that they are destined to roam free until they are ready, not when women are ready. Often times this is really difficult for women to understand.

1. Not Enough Experimentation
Many men will not settle down because they feel too young to do so. They feel they have not experienced everything they need to experience in life. Some of these experiences could be unmentioned sexual adventures and desires. Other experiences may be traveling the world. Men don't want to have the feeling that they missed out on opportunities because they settled down too early.

2. Feeling Insecurities About Themselves
Men may have little insecurities about themselves preventing them from fully committing to women. They want to be able to achieve their goals and aspirations and see these things as must dos before they settle down. They want to be accomplished and successful and see settling down as an obstacle to achieving success in their lives. These men probably like women but want to have a firm foundation first before setting anything in stone.

3. Just Not Interested
The last reason men won't settle down is simply because they're not interested. The connection which was there was lost or he has gotten tired of the situation. His mom may not like the woman or his friends are constantly on his case that the girlfriend is not the right one for him. The woman might not fit the mold of the person he thought he would end up with. Yet, another possibility is that he changed and the woman stayed the same. Whatever the reason may be, once the decision is made that the woman is not the one, it's over.

Timing is usually everything when it comes to settling men down. Want to know how to do this? Sign up for a free newsletter on becoming
By Pila Fatukala

The Role of Responsibility and Communication in a Relationship By Mikel Jackson

Relationships should be enjoyed not endured; many lovers desire happiness in their relationship but irresponsibility and lack of discipline has shifted their focus from their primary goals. To achieve a successful relationship you need to possess certain knowledge and understanding about your spouse.


A relationship is meant for 2 people with common interest and understanding, the interest of your spouse should be your sole priority , what makes him/her happy should be your major concern and in return you will end up with a fulfilling relationship. Responsibility cannot be rule out if you intend to maintain a happy relationship. It involves recognizing who you are responsible for. If your relationship is not going the way you want it to then you are responsible for changing it.


One key factor of maintaining a successful relationship is communication, it is of great importance for couples to maintain a healthy communication relationship. Whereby they can sit down and discuss issues relating to their relationship without upsetting each other, only that way they keep a stead relationship. Effective communication means both of you working out problem together. In some situation, you can be able to look at your spouse and say " you are right and I am wrong" when you get to that level where you can accept your mistake without shifting blames and honestly admitting the need for change then you are on your way to great relationship.

Even if lasting relationships is becoming rare, you can experience a fun and fulfilling relationship, if can take responsibility and bridge the communication gap between you and your spouse.

By Mikel Jackson

How to Deal With Your Husband's Mistress By Katie Lersch

Of all of the emails that I get from wives struggling to deal with their husband's affair, topics about dealing with or confronting the mistress are perhaps the most common. Women want to know if they should attempt to find out who this woman is, if they should confront her, if they should talk to her when she keeps calling, or if they can believe anything that she says or does. Many also want to know the best way to get revenge on her. Some even want to appeal to her sense of decency, hoping to convince her to leave the husband alone. (Hint: she's already shown that she doesn't have any decency. Negotiating with her is a waste of time.) In the following article, I'll tell you what I often tell my reader's about a husband's mistress.

Why Having Anything To Do With Your Husband's Mistress Almost Always Turns Out Bad: Almost without fail, the wives who report back about their interactions with the other woman are completely unsatisfied with how things went down. Most of the time, meeting with her brings about more questions than answers. It actually just makes you feel worse and more frustrated. A lot of the time, she will paint the husband as the one who initiated the whole thing, while she is the innocent one. She will give you the version of the story which paints her in the most flattering light. However, this version is often just not accurate.

Sometimes, wives want to see what she looks like, only to discover that she's not at all what you imagined. This just makes processing all of this more impossible. Because, the only one who can define why your husband carried on with her and what your husband saw in her is your husband himself. Most times, wives are looking for this information from the wrong person. The mistress knows nothing about your life or your objections. In truth, she is and should remain a stranger to you. By allowing her into your life, you're giving her WAY too much power over you.

Whether You Want To Save Your Marriage Or Not, You Should Not Allow The Mistress Into Your Life: If you want to save your marriage, you want to get this woman out of your life immediately, not allow her into it. Your best case scenario is to banish her altogether and completely. You don't want for you or your husband to think about her or to interact with her. And, this is the opposite of what she wants. In order for her to be successful, she needs to position herself in your world. She needs to get a strong hold on your husband and your life. Fight her every inch of the way here if you want to save your marriage. Communicating with her, confronting her, or seeking revenge are all ways of giving her an "in." Resist this at all costs.

If you are going to walk away from the marriage, you still want to steer clear of her. Why? Because even if you know that they deserve each other, you can't have the constant reminder of the pain and betrayal. You want to allow yourself to heal and she is not part of that equation. Your healing is going to depend on your ability to put this behind you. You can't do that if you're constantly in touch with her or having to deal with her. Shut the door on her immediately, Slam it right in her face. She doesn't deserve to ease her conscience or to satisfy her curiosity about what's going on with you.

When You Win And She Looses: What the mistress doesn't want is for you to remain whole. Even if she didn't initially set out to hurt anyone, she knew that her actions were going to have consequences. Yet, she moved forward anyway. She has drawn a line in the sand. Some wives will tell me: "well, she's won. She's got my husband. I'm the odd man out." This makes when cringe when I hear this. Because really, the only way that she wins is if you let her. If you want your husband away from her, take him back. If they deserve each other, great, let them go. But, respect and love yourself enough to rise above this. Don't allow her to continue to hurt and weaken you.

In truth, you emerge the winner when you don't allow this to beat you. Statistically, most men who cheat come back to their wives or at least eventually end the affair. Your husband will see her as a mistake eventually. And, when he does, she's going to be a lot more desolate if she's wallowing in her own misery all alone - with out your husband and without you bearing witness. What she doesn't want is your happiness. Make absolutely sure that you have that, whether you end up with your husband or not. Then, you've won and she's lost. All she has is regret and loneliness because both you and your husband have moved on and have left her in the dust.

By Katie Lersch

Signs of Cheating in a Relationship - Is Your Mate Cheating By Ken Fry

n order to maintain a healthy relationship, it is important that both the partners stay faithful to one another. When one of the partner decides to cheat he or she tends to give out subtle signs of cheating that may make you wonder is your mate cheating on you. Listed below are 5 signs of cheating in a relationship that you should be aware of.

1. Sign of cheating - When your partner buys a new cell phone and doesn't tell you about it, he or she is surely hiding something from you. If he deletes his received numbers or dialed numbers chances are that he is trying his best to hide something.

2. Sign of cheating in a relationship - All cheaters lie in order to hide the truth from their partners. When your partner is out more than usual and gives similar excuses it is time to wonder, is your mate cheating on you.

3. Sign of infidelity - Mutual friends tend to feel awkward when they are stuck in a situation where one of the partners is cheating. If your mutual friends make excuses for your mate or if they act strange around you it is time to consider, is your mate cheating.

4. Sign of cheating in a relationship - If your mate raises questions that he or she considers hypothetical in nature it is time to wonder, is your mate cheating. Questions that are tell tale signs of his or her confused state include " Is it possible to love more than one person at a time."

5. Sign in your relationship - If there is a significant change in the frequency of sex, it is time to be ascertain, is your mate cheating on you. Some partners tend to indulge more in sex to show that everything is normal, while others refuse to have sex due to guilt or no desire.

In order to ascertain your doubt that your mate is cheating on you, it is important to know how exactly partners tend to lie while cheating. "Seven Deadly Signs Your Being Lied To" is a free report that provides insight that can help you decide if your partner is cheating and can help you decide what to do next.

By Ken Fry

How to End an Affair - How to Say Goodbye the Right Way By Gloria Stevens

Being involved in an affair is often a complicated and messy situation, ending that affair can be even more so! It is with this in mind I decided to write this article to help this involved by providing some important tips on how to end an affair the right way.

Many people for a variety of reasons fall into relationships with people outside their marriage. Often it is to fill some emotional void or simply driven by lust, most times a participant may still be in love with their married partner and realize the affair has to end and they need to move on and get back to focusing on their marriage.

Unfortunately an affair is like every relationship, they are usually hard things to let go of and bring to an end. Whilst it may have been the wrong thing to do, there will be feelings of affection toward your partner in the affair and you don't want to hurt them or make them feel worthless.

The question then is how to end an affair the right way, how do we say goodbye? Unfortunately there is no easy way, there are no magic words or methods to resolve the issue without their being some hurt and regret.

The one thing you must do is not put it off, the longer the affair goes on, the stronger the emotions of those involved become the harder it will be to end the affair. Also do not give any hope of things changing, no "maybe in the future" or "let's just spend some time apart" statements, be straight to the point and short. Whilst you don't want to hurt your partner it's the only way you will make them see this is truly the end. They will respect you more for being blunt than if you lead them on
By Gloria Stevens

Why Men Come Back After Cheating By Katie Lersch

I often have women whose husbands are having (or have recently had) an affair email me. They are hurt, confused, and frightened. They often want information and statistics about why, how, when, and if men come back after cheating. Often, a woman who has been cheated on will doubt a husband's sincerity when he wants to come back. They are afraid that they are just the consolation prize when things have gone wrong with the affair.

But, here he comes with his tail between his legs muttering apologies and every thing's just supposed to be OK again. But, that's not really the case, at least in your head. There are trust issues. There are honesty issues. There are self esteem issues. You can't look at him or your marriage in the same way. You doubt if things will ever be the same again. I don't know your husband, or you, or your marriage, but I can share with you what men tell me (and what my research shows) about why husbands or boyfriends almost overwhelmingly eventually come back to the women who love them.

Why Your Husband Or Boyfriend Will Likely Want To Come Back After He's Cheated: Let's get this out of the way. Most people assume that affairs and cheating have to do with sex, or more specifically the fact that the man is not getting what he needs at home. Let me dispel that myth right now. Men will use this as an excuse for their actions. They say this because they are expected to say it. It's an easy cop out, but it's rarely true.

More often than not, the affair and the cheating is the result of his own inadequacies and his emotional neediness. He just doesn't feel "right" within himself. The doubts about his own desirability and immortality begin to creep into his psyche. He's bored with his own company. He's often honestly not looking for an affair, but it finds him, and in the blink of an eye, he's crossed a line that he will never be able to jump back over.

But here's the rub. When he takes this action, he's almost never thinking about tomorrow or the consequences. You, your marriage, or your relationship almost never factors into the equation. He doesn't stop to ponder how he's going to be able to exit this situation and when the regret comes, it's already too late to do anything about this.

That's when the panic sets in. How can he fix this? By making sure that you never find out. By vowing to be a good husband / boyfriend and to make this up to you. By vowing that this is never going to happen again. This all sounds good, huh? But, it's not the reality. You do find out and you are devastated. He had counted on your offering him a safe haven and open arms, but this isn't his reality. And now, he realizes that this strange woman isn't what he wanted at all. He just wanted a quick fix for his insecurities, but now he realizes that there is no such thing.

The truth is, the statistics are very clear. Very few affairs turn into a long term relationship. much less marriage. It's a fleeting thing because it was born out of fleeting doubts. The problem is that the fall out can be permanent. Because often when he realizes his huge mistake and he decides that he very much wants what he just rejected, he has to depend upon you to decide that you'll take him back.

Deciding Whether Or Not To Take Your Cheating Husband Back: I did not tell you the above to plead your husband's case. I've been cheated on in the past and I know that it is devastating. I would never defend it. But, the fact remains that it's up to you how you're going to proceed. You can't pretend that this didn't happen. Life won't just miraculously get back to normal. You will have to address this, whether you chose to save the relationship or not.

You'll need to look at the relationship and determine if it is worth fighting for. You'll need to determine if you can separate this man's actions from the man himself. You do have an opportunity to allow this to be the push you need to work on loving and taking care of yourself. This is one of those rare occasions where the decision that you make here defines your life. There is no correct or incorrect answer. It's certainly not one size fits all. Some women will see the affair as a deal breaker. Others will chose to do the hard work on the marriage because they don't want to let one mistake ruin everything. This is going to be up to you, but I'd be willing to bet that you will get the chance to make the decision as most husbands and boyfriends eventually make their way back after cheating.

By Katie Lersch

Phone Number Reverse - The Easiest Way to Catch a Cheater Off Guard By Lauren Warner

Many people don't know what is available when it comes to doing a phone number reverse search. We just naturally assume that when we need information on the internet that it must be free. It is human nature wanting to get things quick and free. It is true that many websites offer this information for free on the internet. But, this is one of those situations where you get what you pay for. The free reverse phone number searches will most likely not have the information you are looking for.

Phone number reverse free services cannot give information regarding cellular or unlisted phone numbers. Since the majority of calls we receive today come from a cell or private number, this makes the free services of no use.

If you want to have access to nearly 99% of all phone numbers that exist you will need to pay a small fee to use the specialized websites that pay the cellular carriers to access their records. They keep huge databases that are constantly updated for the most up-to-date information.

The companies that offer this service are the reverse telephone number look up directories. Because of these databases countless cheaters have been caught completely off guard and busted for their infidelity. They were caught because their suspicious partner took quick action and used the reverse search to check up on suspect numbers on their partner's cell phone.

Cheaters are often so caught up in their affair and covering their tracks that they don't even think about how they can't cover their tracks with their cell phone. There is a false sense of security using a cell phone. Many people believe there is no way to track who is behind the number. But, for the wise partner who knows to take advantage of phone number reverse services the truth is easily exposed.

To use these services you must just enter the phone number you wish to search. A report will quickly be generated that will tell you if the information you are searching is available in the database. Chances are, it will be available. At this point you have a choice between paying a nominal fee to search just that one number, or for slightly more, have unlimited access to the database for the next 12 months. It is really a small price to pay for the peace of mind it will provide you. Without this service available to you from your own computer you will be allowing a cheating spouse to continue on with their cheating ways.

By Lauren Warner

Am I Being Cheated On? Here is How You Can Easily Catch a Liar Or Cheater Every Single Time! By Jenny Melbourne

Cheaters and liars stink! They ruin lives and are the most selfish people on the face of the earth. But whatever the case, you definitely came to the right place to finally get the truth once and for all! You see, there are a few psychological tactics you can use to easily make your partner tell you the truth, without he/she even realizing it!

Here is how you can catch a lie and bust a cheater once and for all...

Just ask your partner, that is all you have to do, and then watch the response. Yes, it is really that easy; however your questions should always be direct. If you stick to questions that have these in them "who, what, where, when, why and how", then you will be sure to get a response every single time.

Ask your partner things like:

"Who were you with all this time?" ===> "What were you doing till I came home?"===> "who is that calling you so late?" ===> "Can I know why you never tell me about this thing?"...

Look for the ever so famous responses that a liar will give, such as:

Being critical of you- He/she will turn the blame and guilt on you, by saying "don't you trust me", "how could you say that" etc. Then you feel bad and never ask again, but take this as a trick that cheaters and liars use to stop you from bothering them.

Acting highly defensive- The instant you use these questions, if your partner really was guilty of lying or sneaking around behind your back, then he/she would get very defensive. Guilt always causes someone to immediately act defensive.

Ignoring the topic altogether- When you are with someone, there is no need for excessive secrets. If your partner wanted to keep secrets in the first place, why are they with you? Therefore any time you notice him/her not even answering, ignoring you and the subject, then he/she obviously has something to hide and is trying not to be caught.

By Jenny Melbourne

How to Win an Ex Back - 11 Mistakes to Avoid If You Want Their Love Back By Irena Bocheva

How to win an ex back? It's hard to think clearly after a break-up. Sobriety and common sense are often replaced by uncontrollable emotions and overwhelming instincts. The pain of the heartbreak can often cloud your good judgment of the situation and you can find yourself making million humiliating and immature mistakes that simply minimize your changes of make-up success. Here's a list of mistakes that have to be avoided at any cost if you want your ex back

1 Do not set the communication lines on fire-do not call, text, e-mail excessively. Let your ex breathe!

2 Do not send flowers, "I miss you" and "I'm sorry" cards, gifts. More than likely they are not wanted right now.

3 Do not bug your mutual friends for more information about your ex, respect his/her privacy

4 Do not try to meet them "accidentally" at work, typical "hang-outs" and worse their home

5 Do not stalk. It's not only repelling. It's illegal

6 Do not threaten your ex with suicide or any extreme measures. You don't want your ex back because he/she feels sorry for you

7 Do not act angry. "Pick up your stuff by Monday, or I'll throw it away " is not the right approach if you want them back

8 Do not blame your ex for the failure of the relationship. "You didn't spend enough time with me", "You didn't want to compromise","You didn't..." is not going to help. It only works against your best interest

9 Do not jump on the first "rebound" partner just to prove that there is plenty of fish in the sea. It's not going to assuage your emotional pain. And it's not going to improve the situation with your ex.

10 Do not beg for a second chance. Nobody needs the needy. The only message your ex will get out of this is "I'm desperate, miserable and lonely". And trust me this will not make you look more appealing .

11 Do not drink and dial. It doesn't get much more humiliating than this.

If you have done any of the above mentioned mistakes, you have highly minimized your chances of winning your ex back. Minimal chance however doesn't mean impossible. Step back, take a deep breath. Get a grip on your emotions and come up with a plan.

The answer to the question " How to win an ex back " is simple -use your head, not your heart, do the right things at the right time and the positive results will follow.

By Irena Bocheva

Have You Agreed to a Split But Are Still in Love With Your Ex? Some Ideas on What to Do Next By Rans Stoddard

Many couples mutually agree to split up then subsequently one of the partners realizes that they are still in love with their ex. This is quite a common occurrence and often a very tricky dilemma. It could be that your ex feels the same way too.

During a fight, argument, or squabble over something your ex may have said that they are no longer in love with you, and while that could be true it could also be heat of the moment stuff where they have just let their emotions get the better of them.

If you are still sincerely in love your ex, there is always the possibility that your ex may still have feelings for you, but that alone does not indicate that it would be a great move to get back together again.

Remember you split up by mutual consent so there were definite underlying reasons for the break up. Maybe the relationship was going nowhere or a partner had become abusive or was slipping into alcohol or drug problems, if this was the case then you are undoubtedly better off making a new life for yourself. In time it could be that you will look back on the split as being a good thing and something that you needed to do

However if the break-up was by mutual consent and you are now experiencing difficult emotions because you are sure that you are still in love then it is even more important that you reflect on the reasons why you agreed to split up.

If after a period of reflection you are sure you want to rekindle the relationship do not kid yourself that it will be an easy thing to achieve. The grounds for the split up have not gone away. Would getting back together change anything?

In the future how will you prevent those old problems from recurring again, and causing the same outcome.

It could be that you restart your relationship with your ex partner only to find that after a short while nothing has really changed and you have made a terrible mistake. Then what are you going to do?

Before you do anything else go visit my blog and watch the videos they are a good place to start when you want your ex partner back.

I'll take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex back in your arms! The most remarkable thing that I found following the end of my relationship was that there is a strategy that is easy to follow and proven to work for hundreds of couples who have used it previously.

This system is proven to work time and time again. It is actually much easier to speak to real people who have been there and done that, than to a pay a specialist to give you canned information about making relationships work. Instead, it would be good for you to talk to people who have been there and survived the process of learning to win your ex back.

You MUST try to eliminate the things that caused the problems, the stress, and hurt feelings the first time around, then you will be on a much surer footing than before. You are now taking the same steps that I took when I lost the love of my life. I was lucky enough to discover the maker of that video, someone who is a specialist on relationship counseling and psychology an expert called T 'Dub' Jackson.

By Rans Stoddard

Signs That Your Marriage is Falling Apart By Joe Daley

When you take a survey among the middle aged people around the world, asking them what the most irking question in their life is, right now, you would be quite surprised to know the answer. Seventy percent of the adults suffer from the problem of mistrust and almost ninety nine percent of the time, their mistrust is on their spouse.

So one is forced to ask the following question,

"How do I trust my husband or wife?" and "What should I do know if he or she is deviating from the relationship?"

Definitely, hiring a detective and shadowing your spouse is not always the best option. In some cases it could worsen the situation .There are some things one could observe about their spouse to get an idea about whether they are seeing someone else.

One other common issue would be a difference in bedroom activities. Your spouse might show a different attitude in sex and may show increased or decreased sexual interest.

Suppose if you can smell a new perfume on your spouse (not their usual perfume) when they return home, from work or from a so called casual day out it could be taken as an indication or assurance of he or she is seeing someone.

Communication plays an important role. There might be a change in their communication style. He or she might attend or call someone when you are not around. They might feel anxious when you are around during a call and see you as a hindrance.

Their expenses will be more when they have an external relationship with someone. There may be an increased case of your spouse wanting to go on trips. If you check their credit or debit cards bills you would come to know about quite a few things. So try to keep in touch with the personal expenses of your spouse.

There may be a change in their behavior. Their nature may be soft but now they would have started to argue more or they might stop listening to you. He or she might always get into a fight with you which may be against their nature.

There will be a lot of changes in their routine schedule. They might go out always on some trips under the guise of men only hangout. They might choose to stay away for longer periods of time. The reasons would not always be acceptable.

May be your partner is one who cares less about their looks but now they would have start to care more about their looks, body shapes, hair colors, etc. Most of their time would be spent in beauty parlors or gym to maintain their shape and looks. They might also choose new fashionable attires and accessories. This is one observation you can make quite easily.

There might be some marks like nail scratching or biting in your spouse's body. This could be observed if you watch them from close ranges when they are changing. If you ask them about that there would be an irrelevant or a not so believable explanation.

They might restrict you from their personal things such as reading their cell phone messages or call logs or e mails. They will change their password if it's already known to you. They may even prohibit you from reading their personal diary. All these might ensure that they are losing interest in the relationship.

The best sign is that they would be unable to see you in the eyes, when they speak. Avoidance of eye contact in answering critical questions could be the final nail in the coffin.

These observations made collectively could aid one in assessing the psychological state of your spouse to a great extent.

By Joe Daley